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Friday, June 24, 2011

Viva Black Films!!

A couple of weeks ago, I went to the premier of Viva Riva by African director Djo Munga. The film is a take on the gangster genre, set in Kinshasa, Congo. Even though the story is stylistic and the plot conventional, its amazing how fresh it comes across by the very fact that its set in an authentic black setting. However, it's not because the film is produced, directed and acted by Africans that you should go see this movie. It's because the experience is like no other you have ever seen. The blend of local an imported talent really works and makes you wonder, like Fernando Meirelles' "City of God," where have this sophisticated black perspective been all this time? And where can I get some more? Well, for now, go to Angelica Film Center . . . You got until Saturday.

Now go support!

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